Commentary: Latest Reports from The Washington Posts ‘Editorial Pages’


Here are the latest reports from The Washington Posts ‘Editorial Pages’.

‘Fair is fair’: A sensible path for D.C. statehood
Mayor Bowser offers a sensible plan for charting the path to statehood.

Burundi continues down a dangerous path
The United Nations should step in to head off the civil war on the horizon.

A Trump reboot? Impossible.
Conservatives of principle must stand up to ensure he does not become president.

‘Get ready to eat it’: As Trump clinches the nomination, it’s time to dine on my words
We are going to build a big, beautiful meal — and Mexico is going to pay for it.

Hillary Clinton is walking into Donald Trump’s trap
She needs to avoid taking Trump’s bait.

The dangerous nihilism of Trump voters
Supporting The Donald isn’t a protest, it’s an abdication.

Treasury’s Fannie and Freddie rip-off
The government tossed its original rescue terms, preferring instead to take all the profits.

Please don’t mainstream Trump
Neither conservatives nor liberals should capitulate to media attempts to normalize him.

Create your own foreign policy doctrine!
All you need is an adjective and a noun. Maybe add “neo” just to be safe.

The productivity slump and what to do about it
I try not to write too much about either the slowdown in productivity growth or Donald Trump. In both cases, the market is already pretty saturated, the topic isn’t very pleasant, and no one really knows what to do about either problem. But since I at least kind of understand the productivity story, and haven’t […]

How Larry Wilmore brought code-switching to the White House correspondents’ dinner
Being black and “being black” are two different things.

I run a breast cancer organization. I hate breast cancer walks.
They’re expensive, and it’s not clear they really help women.

Virginia is finally giving felons like me the right to vote. We deserve it.

Trump’s impending nomination means it’s time for a third candidate
And probably time for a third party as well.

Teacher sickouts won’t heal Detroit schools
The teachers have reason to complain about the ailing district, but their protest threatens solutions.

Metro: Orphaned and sick
It’s not just that Metro is disintegrating. Its federal safety overseers may be inept too.

‘It could get a lot worse for Muslims in America’
Donald Trump’s ascent has coincided with a rise in the number of anti-Muslim incidents in the U.S.

After Election Day, Democrats, Republicans and the media have some serious soul-searching to do
After a contentious campaign, a time of institutional reckoning will arrive for the media, Republicans and Democrats.

After Carly Fiorina’s fall, Ted Cruz nears his own end
In a single moment, the Republican candidate for president reveals the cad that lurks beneath the suit.

How to put the Middle East back together
Iraq and Syria are falling apart. Just trying to fix them will give their citizens the future and security they deserve.

The White House’s Iraq delusion
The Obama administration should rethink its faith in Baghdad’s prime minister.

Our massive, stubborn tax gap
It’s not likely to go away soon.

Letter from Mexico City
Regardless of what the United States thinks, Mexico thinks of itself as North American.

Donald Trump speaks like a sixth-grader. All politicians should.
More than 40 percent of Americans have only basic literacy skills. Candidates need to be able to talk to them.

Syria and the Holocaust: Putting ‘Never Again’ to the test
Our leaders are regressing in their capacity to be ashamed at failing to stop the carnage.

Why Trump and Clinton should name their entire Cabinets right now
Ted Cruz was right to pick a veep. He — and the rest of the candidates — should have gone even further.

Bernie Sanders should push for a new realism in foreign policy
Americans are weary of wars without end and without victory.

The steady downward spiral of the Republican Party in 2016
Suddenly, some Republicans discover new virtues in Mr. Trump’s candidacy.

The Global Magnitsky Act will help protect human rights activists worldwide
Congress should enable the U.S. to impose sanctions on nations that abuse human rights activists.

The failure of DC Trust
The organization’s crash underscores the need for good stewardship of D.C. grants to nonprofits.

In a world of instability, NATO is a linchpin for peace
It is no mere coincidence that Europe’s stability has developed alongside the world’s most effective political-military alliance.

Trump should break the bad news to his supporters
His plan to bring back jobs is light on details — because the jobs aren’t coming back.

Actually, Hillary Clinton is a fiscal conservative — look it up
At the end of the day, the net fiscal impact of her plans is close to zero.

Republicans and Democrats are fixated on nostalgia — and have deformed our politics
Rather than looking backward, people (and the parties) must look ahead and cultivate community.

Trump understood the voters the GOP forgot
He is winning over working-class Republicans neglected by their party.

President Obama: The TPP would let America, not China, lead the way on global trade
This is the U.S.’s chance to write the rules of the road on trade in the 21st century.

The implosion of Ted Cruz
Carly Fiorina, we hardly knew ye.

Donald Trump’s extremely effective trick
If he is an all-knowing prophet, then so am I.

Welcome back, Andrew Sullivan! Let the criticism commence!
he First Blogger returns with a longform essay. I have some notes.

The Trump Doctrine is an incoherent philosophical mishmash
He has embraced isolationism, realism and internationalism — all at the same time.

The irony of celebrity populism
This year’s presidential campaign has obliterated the line between celebrity and political achievement.

House Republican proposal would make it harder for poor schools to feed their students
For no good reason, congressional conservatives are about to try to screw up a simple, efficient program that feeds poor students.

Congress should let the IRS do its job, not tie its hands
Lawmakers cut the IRS’s budget and interfere with it collecting the taxes that keep government running.

China’s war on groups that help the powerless
A new law could severely restrict the work of nongovermental organizations.

Making money on drugs
The administration’s smart move on physician reimbursement deserves support.

We ignore Venezuela’s imminent implosion at our peril
The country is on the brink of economic catastrophe and political change.

Britain flirts with economic insanity
Leaving the European Union would be a bad idea all around.

The illusion of justice for sexual abuse victims
Victims of childhood sexual abuse need years to be able to take action. By then, it’s too late to prosecute.

When it comes to taxes, there’s never been a better time to be a U.S. multinational
The corporate share of financing U.S. health, education and welfare cannot drop any lower.

It’s time to move ahead with the SEC nomination process
There are valid questions about corporate political donations, but they shouldn’t block action on two Obama nominees.

Dennis Hastert’s betrayal of trust
“Some conduct is unforgivable no matter how old it is.”

Child gun deaths are not ‘accidents’
Adults inexcusably resist safety measures that would keep guns out of children’s hands.

A horrific murder in Bangladesh shines a spotlight on global LGBT persecution
Machete murders raise an alarm about LGBT persecution and the countries that condone it.

What needs to happen before we legalize marijuana
Congress should create a new federal classification for pot so scientists can study it.

Where’s the accountability for DC Trust’s failure?
Someone needs to get to the bottom of where the missing millions went.

The first female president of the United States might not be who you’d expect
S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley could save the day for a Republican Party in turmoil.

Donald Trump’s ‘presidential’ performance is only skin deep
Donald Trump and his backers seem to think being presidential means acting a certain way, not thinking deeply about the issues.

We got rid of gender-specific bathrooms, and it’s been fine
The Urban Justice Center’s plan was to make using the bathroom easy, safe and no big deal for all.

How Georgetown should honor its former slaves
The university owes the same debt to its former slaves as it does to its other patrons.

Trump deals Clinton a winning card
His attempt to denigrate the Democratic candidate appears to be backfiring.

If Trump is nominated, the GOP must keep him out of the White House
Conservatives’ next job would be to make sure Hillary Clinton is only a one-term president.

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